Cheetah Battery Doctor

Summary: Do you need an app that can help maintain the battery and maximize your battery life? Battery Doctor is the official, highly praised, and professional battery saver app, the app that helps extend battery life.

Updated: Sep 4, 2012
Found in: battery, saver, tools, utilities

Requirements: Android OS 1.6 or above
Downloads: 97
Battery Doctor, professional battery saver charging your battery for free. Do you need an app that can help maintain the battery and maximize your battery life? Battery Doctor is the official, highly praised, and professional battery saver app, the app that helps extend battery life. Battery Doctor is a an app gives you an estimate time of usage with the current battery level you have. It doesn't just give you a general usage time but it would also let you know the different usage times for different activities you do on your Android device. Besides, you can adjust the current level of battery being shown on the status so you'll know the different usage times for those activities at certain battery levels. Let's say you have 80% on your battery level right now and you want to know the usage time for each activity when the battery goes down to 50%. You simply drag the battery level indicator to 50% and it automatically adjusts the different usage times for you. Key Features 1. Extend Battery Life Life-span of battery can be extended a lot if it is properly maintained. 2. Predict Battery Power Availability Display the power of free time (accurate to minute) depending on the device. You can then predict the power availability to avoid the embarrassment of lack of power. 3. Fully Recharging When the battery power is below 20%, run Battery Doctor and plug in the charger, it can then help maintain your cellphone automatically during charging. 4. Power-saving tips Provide dozens of power-saving tips. 3G, Wifi and many other features can be disabled to maximum the battery power duration.

Barcode download

  1. Open your preferred Barcode scanner software
    (Do not have barcode app? Get one here or more on the barcode page).
  2. Point your phone camera at the QR code below and scan it.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the installation.

Via: Cheetah Battery Doctor

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