
Summary: GuessLogical is a little fancy game for which you need logic and some intelligent guesses. You must find out a secret color combination. For every guess you make you get a response. If you have found a color in the right position you get one red point, if you guess a color but still in the wrong position you get a yellow point. You win when you guess all colors in the correct order within a given number of tries. Have a lot of fun!

Updated: Sep 2, 2012
Found in: game, logic, brain, simple, quick

Requirements: Android OS
Downloads: 16
GuessLogical is a little fancy game for which you need logic and some intelligent guesses. You must find out a secret color combination. For every guess you make you get a response. If you have found a color in the right position you get one red point, if you guess a color but still in the wrong position you get a yellow point. You win when you guess all colors in the correct order within a given number of tries. Have a lot of fun!

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Via: GuessLogic

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