Hamsa Live Wallpaper

Summary: Bad luck is following you? Fatima's Hand Live Wallpaper is here to bring you good luck and protect you against bad vibes!

Updated: Oct 2, 2012
Found in: hamsa, live, wallpaper, free, app

Requirements: Android OS 2.2+
Downloads: 32
Bad luck is following you? Fatima's Hand Live Wallpaper is here to bring you good luck and protect you against bad vibes! The Lucky Charm of Islam, Christianity and more religions is here in form on live wallpaper to constantly attracts good luck trough your phone's desktop wherever you go. Exclusively designed to serve as live wallpaper, beautiful hand has been designed with gold ornaments and on golden background that shines and reflects vibrations of positive mood. The Legend: ============================== "According to legend, one night the husband of Fatima returned home accompanied by a concubine while Fatima was making dinner. Seeing her, the jealous Fatima returned to the kitchen irritated reached into the pot boiling. On seeing her, her husband took out the hand of the pot boiling. Since that time the hamsa became a religious symbol of the followers of Mohammed." What Is The Hand of Fatima or Khamsa ============================== The Khamsa or Hamsa, (in Hebrew: Khamsa in Arabic: Hamsa means five) is an icon used in a variety of Hand of Fatima amulets, charms, and jewelry, to protect against the evil eye. An Islamic alternative name for this charm: Eye of Fatima or the Hand of Fatima, refers to Fatima Zahra , Prophet Muhammads daughter. The other meaning in Jewish is The Hand of Miriam , as regards Miriam, the sister of Aaron and Moses. It is a sort of protection of the hand or The hand of God often believed to protect against the evil eye. Hand of Fatima Meaning =================== The Hand of Fatima (Khamsa), particularly the open right hand, is a sign of protection that also represents blessings, power, and strength, and is seen as potent in deflecting the evil eye. Depending upon the religion of the group using the Hamsa or Fatima symbol, the five fingers of the Hand of Fatima may be said to represent the five books of the Torah to Jews, the Five Pillars of Islam for Sunni Muslims, five or any person who, by the mantle for the Shiites. The symbolism of May, at a later stage, bearing in mind that the results of archaeological excavations reveal that the Hamsa has been extensively used by both Muslims and Jews for thousands of years. In recent years, several peace activists in the Middle East, have chosen to wear resistance Hamsa the symbol of the origin and the similarities between the Jewish and Islamic tradition. The fingers may point up or down. Legal info: ======== Illustration and live wallpaper app copyright by Boban Djokic, all rights reserved. This app may show notification and icon ads. To opt out, go to http://www.airpush.com/optout and/or http://opt.leadbolt.com.

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Via: Hamsa Live Wallpaper

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