Summary: Zombies: Run or Kill, a new zombie shooter game is here! Zombies attack you! UNDEAD has occupied our village. Get your weapons, go into actions, cause ZOMBIES MUST DIE!
Updated: Feb 6, 2013
Found in: zombies run or kill, zombie shooter gamezombies attack, undead, weapons, zombies must die, zombie invasion, games, free, android, app
Downloads: 1961
Zombies: Run or Kill, a new zombie shooter game is here! Zombies attack you! UNDEAD has occupied our village. Get your weapons, go into actions, cause ZOMBIES MUST DIE! Our village was full of peace and tranquility until a zombie invasion happened. The living dead can nowadays be seen all over the place. There is only one zombie survivor left, and that is you. You as a special agent have a very responsible task to try to find other survivors and to kill the zombies. Killem all! DO NOT tell yourself something like Zombies, RUN, but instead encourage yourself to become THE zombie killer. This is one zombie free game which will make your life more interesting. Once you start playing this cool game, you wont be able to stop. And it aint easy game at all! Youll have to be smart in order to kill enemies who are completely brainwashed. There are different types of zombies in this game, some of which are easier to kill while others need multi-kills or direct headshots. You have different weapons at your disposal, from which you can choose the one that fits you best when evil zombie attacks you. The standard one is sword, but there is also a special lightsaber to help you destroy zombie hordes. The more zombies you kill, the more experience you get, and in that way you get more bullets for gun and rifle. As far as laser cannon and chainsaw are concerned, use them carefully you cannot use them whenever you want, and as the game progresses you will need more powerful weapons. We wanted to make this shooting game as interesting as possible, so you will have to fulfill different missions all the time. With each fulfilled mission, youll get three more missions but theyll be more challenging and exciting. In every moment, youll have 3 missions to complete (with every mission youll get more XP). Download free game right now! Another awesome feature of this game is that you can kill zombies either by day or night. This changes in accordance with the time set on your phone. From 9pm to 5 am it is night and its fully dark and zombies are more active then, and from 5am you can feel safer because you are in the day light. This is why this is the best game for android! It can be a game for kids, but also for adults. Bear in mind that these are some whacked inhuman, and that youll need both your hands to defeat them. The more you play, the better youll be, until one day you become a true zombie terminator! You will be under attack all the time and youll have to fight back! Be wise, keep your health and fight against the zombie apocalypse. 3 words for you PLAY ZOMBIE GAME! Legal Info: =========== Zombies: Run or Kill game is an intellectual property of GOOD SOUND APP copyright 2012. Gameplay, characters and story behind this game is a contribution of 10-year-old Luka Pavlovic. Already tested on HTC One X, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Sonny Ericsson Xperia, Samsung Galaxy S2, Samsung Galaxy Mini, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Sony Ericsson Xperia mini Note: This app will periodically present Leadbolt advertisements in your notification bar. It may also create shortcut icon that is easy to remove. This is to support the development for this app. If you don't want to show support please opt out here Updated: Feb 6, 2013
Found in: zombies run or kill, zombie shooter gamezombies attack, undead, weapons, zombies must die, zombie invasion, games, free, android, app
Downloads: 1961
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Via: Zombies Run or Kill
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