Quash Board

Summary: Quash board is a simple and easy to play game developed by Csharks Games & Solutions Pvt Ltd.

Updated: Oct 1, 2013
Found in: puzzle, board, board puzzle, balls

Requirements: Android OS 2.2 or higher
Downloads: 1
It's a puzzle board game. Game is simple in look and play, but the levels will challenge your puzzle solving skills as game progresses. The objective is simple, remove all balls except one from board by knock each other. Try solve the 80 awesome puzzles. Drag any ball to next ball for knocking it off the board. You cannot drag a ball to a ball placed in the block adjacent to it. You cannot drag a ball directly off the board.

Barcode download

  1. Open your preferred Barcode scanner software
    (Do not have barcode app? Get one here or more on the barcode page).
  2. Point your phone camera at the QR code below and scan it.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the installation.

Via: Quash Board

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