Summary: Be first to experience it onboard its the first commercial version in Zimbabwe Version 1.0 with more to be released as we go forth.

Updated: Apr 16, 2014
Found in: applications, social, communication, productivity

Requirements: Android OS 2.3 UPWARDS
Downloads: 1
It is an awesome application developed to equip the architecture crazed clients with the latest rss feeds about Build Draft Tech Pvt Ltd latest products and designs. It has a user friendly interface that adds up its sizzling perfomance and data delivery....add up and stay informed!

Barcode download

  1. Open your preferred Barcode scanner software
    (Do not have barcode app? Get one here or more on the barcode page).
  2. Point your phone camera at the QR code below and scan it.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the installation.

Via: Mr BDT

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