Owl Jumper Game

Summary: Owl Jumper Game How high can you Jump? Help Jumper, the Owl bounce from platform to platform, grabbing every coin and power up on his way up. Jump, Jump and Jump as high as you can. If you're lucky you might also get one or two jetpack rides, or a super trampoline jump! Whatever you do, avoid touching the black bombs, they're lethal. Just tilt left or right to move the Owl. Remember to share your scores!

Updated: May 4, 2014
Found in: game, games, game android, free game, jump, jumper, owl, apk, adventure, action, free download

Requirements: Android OS
Downloads: 1
Owl Jumper Game How high can you Jump? Help Jumper, the Owl bounce from platform to platform, grabbing every coin and power up on his way up. Jump, Jump and Jump as high as you can. If you're lucky you might also get one or two jetpack rides, or a super trampoline jump! Whatever you do, avoid touching the black bombs, they're lethal. Just tilt left or right to move the Owl. Remember to share your scores!

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