Lang Trainer Demo - French

Summary: Are you studying French and need a little help? Then this program is for you!

Updated: Aug 25, 2012
Found in: french, language, foreign, learn

Downloads: 374
Are you studying French and need a little help? Do you find French verbs and articles difficult to retain? Then this program is for you. A complete French trainer, with 1000 words divided in 40 categories, over 100 verbs with 9000 conjugations, and a mispelling engine to help you master French writing. The complete program is not time limited and it doesn't have any ads!

Barcode download

  1. Open your preferred Barcode scanner software
    (Do not have barcode app? Get one here or more on the barcode page).
  2. Point your phone camera at the QR code below and scan it.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the installation.

Via: Lang Trainer Demo - French

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