Get Lucky Stars Live Wallpaper and your phone screen will look like a starry sky! Find your own lucky star among dozens of shiny stars that twinkle on your phone screen! Select the color you like the most for the background color and enjoy your new favorite live wallpaper! -Perfect live wallpaper for Android! -Interactive background-Tap anywhere on the screen and new stars will appear! -Full support for landscape mode and home-screen switching! Enjoy this lovely, free and useful live wallpaper! Installation instructions: Home -> Menu -> Wallpapers -> Live Wallpapers Twinkling is most often noticeable in frosty winter nights with rising air currents from the ground. Lower stars are worst effected as they shine through a thicker wedge of the Earths atmosphere, usually the bright stars overhead twinkle much less. Because stars are so far away they appear as pinpoints making them susceptible to twinkling, however the planets which although at first glance appear star-like are in fact tiny discs (often resolvable even with binoculars) and most often shine with a steady light even when all the true stars around them are twinkling like mad! From British latitudes the most famous 'twinkler' is the winter star Sirius it appears as the brightest star in the entire sky it doesnt rise far above the southern horizon from here so it not only twinkles but appears to flicker violently through blues, reds white and even greens ,a marvelous sight on a frosty winters evening. Stars twinkle because we see them from the bottom of a sea of air. Little cells of air, which are about ten centimeters across and located many kilometers high, move across our vision as we watch the sky. These small bundles of air act like little lenses, bending light as it passes through them. This bending, called refraction, is familiar to anyone who drives on a hot day: hot air just above the road surface bends light more than the cooler air slightly above it. That's why you can sometimes see that shimmery veil of what looks like water on the road; it's really the air bending the light above it. Sometimes you can even see cars reflected in the road! Anyway, these parcels of air up high in the atmosphere travel to and fro, bending the light from a star in more or less random directions. Stars are big, but they are so far away that they appear to be very small, much smaller to our eyes than each of these air bundles. So when the light gets bent, the apparent movement of the star is larger than the size of the star in the sky, and we see the star shifting around. Our eye can't really detect that motion, because it's too small. What we see is the light from the star flickering. That's why stars twinkle! Stars start as huge regions of gas, mostly hydrogen. This gas will start to contract, and it heats up. As it contracts, its temperature rises. When the heat gets high enough, it causes the individual hydrogen atoms to collide and combine into helium with the release of energy. Its called fusion, because it fuses smaller nuclei into bigger ones. It releases enormous energy. The stellar gas, now in a spherical shape, is contracted further by gravity while exploding by fusion. Together, a balance is reached and a star is born. The energy released in the stars center makes its way to the surface, where it is radiated into space as light, heat x-rays, ultraviolet light and radio waves. Eventually, a star will use up all of its available small atoms, and the fusion energy is no longer available. In some stars, the further collapse triggers fusion of helium into carbon, or carbon into even heavier elements. Finally, all the elements that can provide energy are exhausted, and the star starts its final collapse.

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Via: Lucky Stars Live Wallpaper
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