Summary: Christmas Live Wallpaper is a perfect way to dress up your phone screen in the Christmas spirit while you're waiting for the first snowfall or New Year's Eve! Various Xmas gifts, ornaments and Santa pictures can float and sparkle all over your screen! Why not use the chance to decorate your phone while you're decorating "the Christmas tree"!
Updated: Dec 10, 2012
Found in: christmas, live wallpaper, free,
Requirements: 2.1 and up
Downloads: 1
Christmas Live Wallpaper is a perfect way to dress up your phone screen in the Christmas spirit while you're waiting for the first snowfall or New Year's Eve! Various Xmas gifts, ornaments and Santa pictures can float and sparkle all over your screen! Why not use the chance to decorate your phone while you're decorating "the Christmas tree"! - Greatest LWP for Android! - Keep tapping on the screen and new Xmas gifts or decorations will appear! - Full support for landscape mode and home-screen switching! - This animated background is your best choice! Follow the installation instructions: Home -> Menu -> Wallpapers -> Live Wallpapers Merry Christmas! Now's the time for some holiday celebrations. There are lots of traditions that are practiced by a number of countries all over the world during this holiday season. These traditions can be as diverse as the culture and religious practices of each and every country in the world but certain customs are same throughout the world. On this holiday, people exchange gifts and sweets, decorate their houses with mistletoes and holly and candy canes and illuminate it with lights. Christmas trees are decorated with lights and ornaments. Rudolph the red nosed reindeer is children's joy and attraction associated with this holiday. You can enjoy watching all these symbols sparkling and glowing all across your screen by using Christmas Live Wallpaper for free. The colors most often associated with x-mas decorating are green, red, and gold. These colors have been used for centuries and, as with most traditions, the reason may be traced to religious beliefs. In this instance, green represents everlasting life, red represents the bloodline of Jesus Christ, and gold represent the richness of God's Blessings. The Xmas star has traditionally been associated with the spirit of the celebration and the significance of the star can be found in the story related to the birth of Jesus Christ. The star symbolizes high hopes and high ideals. Let it sparkle across your screen by using Xmas Eve Live Wallpaper. Perhaps the most important association with this holiday is Santa Claus. When you go shopping, youll find him in your favorite book store or gift store listening to the wishes of children about what to bring them for the holiday. Known by several other names like St. Nicholas and Father Xmas, Santa is extremely popular with the children and no celebration can possibly be complete without the presence of Santa. Children leave out cookies and milk by the fireside at night and hang socks from the fireplace, only to wake up in the morning and find plenty of gifts. Santa visits every child in one night only, riding in a carriage drawn by the reindeer. Every X-mas is special because of what this festive season stands for. It stands for love, joy, feelings, and emotions and above all hope. So have an amazing festive season and remember to spread the cheer. Add Snowfall Live Wallpaper to your phone and you'll have perfect X-mas decorations for your phone screen. Ads information: ============= This app is ad supported. It means that if you install it, you may get shortcut icons on your phone background which are actually links to sponsored apps. If you want, feel free to remove them anytime without affecting the application in any way. You may also receive certain notifications about similar free applications. However, if you don't want to get them, you can opt out at and or do it directly from the icon where it is available.Updated: Dec 10, 2012
Found in: christmas, live wallpaper, free,
Requirements: 2.1 and up
Downloads: 1

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Via: Christmas Live Wallpaper Free 2013
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